Sunday, July 22, 2007

Harry Potter!

Hey freaks, why are you people reading this when you know there's something better out there? YES! Harry Potter, Hermione and the hideously on-screen represented one are BACK! hmmmm, no idea what to say without posting spoilers, thereby getting cursed/slapped in face by newly-purchased book/forever hated and mentally spat upon, actually. but from my frenzied reading of the first few chapters of the book, I would like to solemnly declare this: if you don't have a copy snuggling in your lap right now, run, fool, run to one of the greatest literary accomplishments in History. mind you, you biddah be running towards a decent bookstore for your copy, and not to frickin' Carrefour, Tesco, or some other evil corporation if you know what's good for you. otherwise, nyuk nyuk nyuk..... I suppose you know how many Potter Nutters there are out there, and we all know how available potentially maiming objects are just waiting to be picked up and ruthlessly applied, don't we now?

oh my gosh! WHAT AM I DOING? I need to get back to my current alternative world before anything slips! can you not hear the sweet brilliance of Hermione beckoning?

but of course, I have an ulterior motive, hehe, you know. there MIGHT be a contest between me and some people, and it MAY have been concerned with speed reading, haha. but this is all hypothetical, you understand? no need for any head shaking, eye-rollings or Parliament-ish punishments. now if you'll excuse me, I mean to go striding into the unknown world of Magic till dawn dawns, haha. see you in a new forever-changed Life!

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